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Which exchange we recommend

While there is a huge number of legitimate exchanges, there are some that fit the needs of our gamers better than others. Here is why we recommend the following exchanges.

What you can expect for Update 11

In this article we are going to give you insights into our update 11, the great content update. Every second Thursday we will add a new subsection in which we will announce and introduce parts of the content. So come back regularly.

The 5 most discussed myths regarding cryptocurrencies

Whenever the value of a cryptocurrency increases dramatically, the discussions of whether or not cryptos are valid start all over. Let’s see which arguments are valid and which are not.

How a Litecoin address is created

A Litecoin address is in some ways like an E-Mail address. It is used to interact with other people. However, there are some differences.

How to fix the current desync error

Yesterday, the preloaded blockchain service crashed and a broken patch was sent to some gamers. This is how you can fix it.

Bing! LiteBringer becomes faster and gets sounds

In our update 10.0, we have concentrated on convenience features. Some had already been suggested by our community, others will hit you out of the blue.

Cryptocurrencies operate with different consensus models to ensure security.

What is blockchain consensus?

When it comes to blockchain consensus you might have stumbled across “Proof of Work” or “Proof of Stake” but have you ever heard about “Proof of Burn”?

What tokens are and what they do.

What tokens are and what they do

Today, tokens are used in many areas of life, without anyone thinking about it. In blockchain-backed technology, they are at the center of attention. Here is why.

All you need to know about transaction fees

While you won’t really recognize the small transaction fee it is the very reason blockchains will live forever. Here is the reason why.

Blockchain Applications: How industries can benefit

Blockchain technology is here to stay and will influence many aspects of everyday life. Here are just a few examples where it will change our lives forever.