Category: Newsticker

NFT Boss Battle: A prototype made by CipSoft

While our team is constantly improving LiteBringer, others are creating new blockchain games. Now it is time to test one of their prototypes, NFT Boss Battles! This is how you get it and what you should know about it.

What you can expect for Update 11

In this article we are going to give you insights into our update 11, the great content update. Every second Thursday we will add a new subsection in which we will announce and introduce parts of the content. So come back regularly.

How to fix the current desync error

Yesterday, the preloaded blockchain service crashed and a broken patch was sent to some gamers. This is how you can fix it.

Our special deal for content creators

If you enjoy streaming and are considering showing LiteBringer to your fans, we want to support you.

Where to find the ‘Send currency’ feature

Since Update 9.0 the feature which enables you to send funds from your LiteBringer account to any other wallet is no longer hidden in the settings.

The special deal for our release

For the long run, we decided that a subscription should cost about 1 Euro per month which we will periodically readjust. However, we still offer a special deal and heavily reduced prices.