Changes in the LiteBringer team

We are happy to announce a number of changes in our team, which will amount to a significant step forward both in regards to development and to communication.

It is no secret that our list of ideas for LiteBringer is already very long, and that it gets longer nearly every day. It seems to us that for every issue we address, two new tasks pop up on our list. It should not come as a surprise, then, that we have decided that we need to increase our development team.

The good news is, we have found just what we were looking for. Two brilliant developers have recently joined our team. They will prove invaluable due to their considerable experience; in fact, one of them actually served as LiteBringer’s lead developer during the prototype stage and the early releases. In the months to come, the main task of the new guys will be to rework critical aspects of the game in order to enhance performance, while the current team will focus on creating new content and developing features.

However, development is not the only part of the team to grow. Customer communication is a focus, too, and it is about to be put on an improved, more professional basis. In Ellbar and Argeia we now have two experienced customer support representatives, who will be there for you whenever you find bugs or have other problems or questions regarding the game. You can contact them via our new support email address or leave a message in the ‘bugs and reports’-channel of our Discord server.

Last but not least, there will be some significant changes as regards the Community Management: I am about to resign from my position as LiteBringer’s designated Community Manager! For the rest of August, Ignatius will take over my work; after that, something magic is going to happen: The legendary Mirade, who most of you will already know from Tibia, will take my place. She will fill the position until a new, permanent Community Manager has been found.

I would like to add that even though I may no longer serve as responsible community manager, the team and I agreed that the trusting, friendly contact with you, our community, should not be affected by this change in any way. To make sure our transparent and personal communication philosophy will be upheld in the days to come, it has been agreed that I will assist my replacement by way of comprehensive mentoring. Thus, even though you will not see my name pop up in Discord anymore, you can be still sure that I will be there, in the shadows, guarding my LiteBringers.